Catch up

My fall garden did not turn out as planned because of the cold weather and the fact that I got caught up in school work and exams.

Before the winter season came up I planted some radish seed as a cover crop. This is supposed to put nutrients back into the soil over the time we are unable to grow anything. What was supposed to happen was the radishes were to grow and rot in the soil. However, the radishes never sprouted, so that attempt ended in failure.

Now we are coming up to the Spring season! Yay!

I have helped my advisor till my plot March 25th, last Sunday. We planned on planting beets and romaine seed in my plot and potatoes in some of the other PAR plots today, but it rained and unfortunately damp soil and cold weather do not bode well for seeds and can potentially kill the plant before it even has a chance. 

Even more misfortune is that I will not be able to plant for the duration of this spring break because I am being whisked away (to Massachusetts) and I am unable to be there for the primary planting time, which is a HUGE bummer especially since I still need more hours.

I hope to make up for lost time when planting for the summer garden, harvesting, and teaching the younger Girl Scouts how to continue the garden I have setup (and even earn them a badge).


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