My Next Meeting [May 10th]

The next meeting for Girl Scouts will be next Thursday where I will continue to educate the girls in the art gardening. And what better way is there to do that, than to help them earn their Outdoor Art badges?

I have requested the girls come back to the garden next week to go on a scavenger hunt around the garden, taking photos of the items they find to share with the group.

From their observations of the colors, textures, and objects they find in the garden, they will decorate the rainsticks they will be creating.

Once they are finished they will share their creations with others and they will be able to play with the different sounds rain makes outside.

At the end of the meeting they will have all earned their Outdoor Art badge, as they have already completed the last step last Thursday with their planning and creating of their individual herb gardens.

I am excited to see how this meeting turns out and I hope that this will continue to inspire the girls to pursue their gold award and to continue my legacy =D


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