My Plot
Since the PAR team and Mr. Thompson, the community garden official, has been able to acquire a plot to donate to me to use for my project, I have planted several different vegetables already.
This include:
- A variety of romaine plants
- Chinese cabbage
- Red onions
- Beets
Chinese cabbage is in the last row and romaine consists of the front two rows |
I have practiced both planting by seed and transplanting. So far I believe that transplanting them is a lot easier to do and a lot more reliable to keep the plants alive. However, there are always exceptions and any plant can die at any given time.
Chinese Cabbage |
How the Chinese cabbage will grow is a mystery, but that is part of the fun! We will soon find out what it looks like when fully grown and how to harvest it.
The transplanted romaine will take less time to grow compared to the seed romaine that I planted. Even though I planted the seeds first, they still have not germinated and it has been weeks since they were planted.
The beets are also starting to sprout and will need to be thinned in the near future. This means that the seeds will germinate too close together, stunting the growth of the vegetable unless the needed action is taken. That is pulling out some of the plants and spacing them out evenly throughout the plot with room for them to grow properly.
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