What's up with the Soil?

I am glad you asked!

My plot was already mended pretty well before I got it and afterwords one of my fantastic community partners tilled the soil with wood chips and leaves. This makes it easy for the soil to stay damp, preventing me from needing to water all of the time, especially since I live in an area where it is easy for the soil to dry up.

We have also placed leaves on top to contain the water in the soil and to prevent weeds from taking over. So far it has been working with ease! Any weeds that I have found the soil was loose enough for me to just pluck them out, no problem. There is no struggling involved.

However, as much as the soil is perfect for the purposes given and much more the wood chips suck all of the nitrogen out of the soil. This is a minor problem that can affect the plants that grow within it since nitrogen is a key item for their growing success.

That is why I have been using what's called Blood Meal. It looks like black sand and has sand like consistency as well. I have raked this stuff throughout my garden to add nitrogen back into the soil to help my garden thrive.


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